Verschlagwortet: Victimhood
By Rose Jaji. African “refugeeness” in the media, policy, and academia is an essentialist physical image conflating material deprivation and multiple victimhoods. Historically, African refugees were capable of political participation even to the point of building vibrant states in the new lands they fled to in precolonial Africa.
Interview on the book “Ottoman Children and Youth during World War I” that was awarded the AMECYS 2020 book award. Nazan Maksudyan is Einstein guest professor at the Freie Universität Berlin and was a EUME Fellow in 2009-10.
By Karen Vallgårda Nazan Maksudyan, Ottoman Children and Youth during World War I, New York: Syracuse University Press, 2019. Series: Contemporary Issues in the Middle East. 211 pages. ISBN: 9780815636458...