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Verschlagwortet: United Nations

Web Scraping and Digital Archives: A Program for the Retrieval of the Transcripts of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia

By Katarina Ristić and Nikola Ristić. Digital archives have created a number of opportunities for researchers, from accessing files and material collections irrespective of the archive’s location, to the possibility to search and obtain large amounts of material in a short time. At the same time, digital collections might be overwhelming, amounting to hundreds or even thousands of files which might be of interest for the research.

Book Review: A. Getachew: Worldmaking after Empire

By Christopher J. Lee. Worldmaking after Empire is a study of political thought and institution building during the twentieth century, with a specific focus on black Anglophone leaders and intellectuals such as W. E. B. Du Bois, George Padmore, Kwame Nkrumah, Michael Manley, and Julius Nyerere. The central argument of the book is that the anticolonialism they promoted was not solely concerned with national self-determination and the establishment of nation-states.

Kulturelle Pluralität des Rechts?

Eine Podiumsdiskussion   Am 29. April fand in der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin eine Podiumsdiskussion der Reihe Geisteswissenschaften im Dialog zum Thema „Recht, Kultur, Rechtskultur“ statt, die von...