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Verschlagwortet: translation

Against Remembering: The Fictional Truth of a Massacre

By Samad Alavi. Carolyn Forché’s Against Forgetting: Twentieth Century Poetry of Witness anthologizes poems that testify to some of the last century’s darkest political tragedies. In her introduction, Forché establishes her basic criteria for selection. First, she includes only poems, as she wishes to demonstrate that the old “arguments about poetry and politics ha[ve] been too narrowly defined” and that it is possible to understand poems as residing between the personal and the political.

Pluralities, Transfers, Memories: Some Reflections on the Humanities Today

By Daniel Weidner. What can the role of the humanities be facing a world in crisis? However we describe that very crisis, it is clear that a lot of the assumptions that have, so far, founded the self-understanding of the humanities are no longer evident: neither the universalism of the European or western culture, nor the humanist values or even the distinction between culture and nature.

تعدّدات، انتقالات، ذكريات: بعضُ تأملاتٍ في الإنسانيات اليوم

دانييل فايدنر (الأدب المقارن، جامعة هالِه، ألمانيا). ما الذي يمكن أن يكون عليه دور الإنسانيات إذ تواجه عالمًا في أزمة؟ كيفما وَصَفنا تلك الأزمة بالذات، يبقى جليًّا أنَّ كثيرًا من الافتراضات التي قام عليها، إلى الآن، فَهْمُ الإنسانيات لذاتها لم تعد واضحة: لا كونيّة الثقافة الأوروبية أو الغربية، ولا القيم الإنسانويّة أو حتى التمييز بين الثقافة والطبيعة.