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Verschlagwortet: Technology

Science Fiction and the Anticipation of the Future: On a Public Talk by Kawthar Ayyed

By Teresa Pepe. On 13 July 2021, the MECAM research cluster “Aesthetics and Cultural Practice” hosted a talk by Kawthar Ayyed, “La science-fiction et l’anticipation [Science Fiction and Anticipation]”, in the framework of the research initiative “Imagining the Future: Dealing with Disparities”.

Passing as a Refugee

By Keren Weitzberg. Mahad was born in Kenya – a fact that neither his passport, nor carefully scripted biography suggests. For decades, Kenyan Somalis (citizens of Kenya who also identify as Somali) have faced discrimination in accessing legal documents, including national identity cards, passports, and birth certificates.

Tracks of Change: Labor, Nature, and the Izmir-Aydın Railroad

By Onur İnal. On an October afternoon in 1857, a great crowd gathered at the Caravan Bridge in Izmir to witness an historic moment. Mustafa Pasha, the Governor of Izmir, the müftü, or chief jurist, of Izmir, the Greek and Armenian bishops, the chief rabbi of the Jews, Izmir-Aydın railway company officials, and elegantly dressed men and women were all at present.

Ambitious yet Ambivalent: Electrical Infrastructure and Inequality in Early Republican Turkey

By Nurçin İleri. The year 1933 was particularly significant in the history of Turkey. Following a long preparation process, the tenth-year anniversary of the Republic, which ran day and night on 29 October, was held more gloriously than those in previous years, serving as a model for the future.

The Humanities’ Constant Need for Self-Justification

By Bashshar Haydar (Philosophy, American University of Beirut, Lebanon). It is not uncommon for people working in the humanities to feel the need to demonstrate the significance or, even, the relevance of their disciplines. There is not a matching pressure in the fields of natural sciences, whether applied or theoretical.

حاجة الإنسانيات المتواصلة إلى تبرير ذاتها

بشار حيدر (فلسفة، الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت، لبنان). ليس من غير المألوف أن يشعر العاملون في الإنسانيات بالحاجة إلى تبيان أنَّ لفروعهم أهميتها، أو حتى أنّها ذات صلة. ما من ضغط مماثل في مجالات العلوم الطبيعية سواء التطبيقية أو النظرية. ونادرًا ما يُشَكَّك في حكمة استثمار رأس المال البشري والمادي في التخصصات الأخيرة.