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Verschlagwortet: social sciences

The Humanities’ Constant Need for Self-Justification

By Bashshar Haydar (Philosophy, American University of Beirut, Lebanon). It is not uncommon for people working in the humanities to feel the need to demonstrate the significance or, even, the relevance of their disciplines. There is not a matching pressure in the fields of natural sciences, whether applied or theoretical.

حاجة الإنسانيات المتواصلة إلى تبرير ذاتها

بشار حيدر (فلسفة، الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت، لبنان). ليس من غير المألوف أن يشعر العاملون في الإنسانيات بالحاجة إلى تبيان أنَّ لفروعهم أهميتها، أو حتى أنّها ذات صلة. ما من ضغط مماثل في مجالات العلوم الطبيعية سواء التطبيقية أو النظرية. ونادرًا ما يُشَكَّك في حكمة استثمار رأس المال البشري والمادي في التخصصات الأخيرة.

Palsy-Walsy and Extremely Surly Social Distancing

By Prem Poddar. As the uncertainty of the interregnum stretches and seems as pliable as a virus-stained concertina, I cannot go anytime soon to my cottage in the multikulti hills of the Himalayas on the Indian side. It is a fortune shared by a considerable number of folks stuck elsewhere and everywhere on this beleaguered planet.

Infrastructures and Society in (Post-)Ottoman Geographies: Call for Contributions to the Series

We invite contributions to discuss and investigate how infrastructures shape and affect power relations and daily life; how they produce or organize inequalities, discrimination, or differentiated access to public goods and services; and how they may become part of state violence, or resistance, in Ottoman and post-Ottoman geographies.

“The name of the game was globalization of goods, services and finance” and India was increasingly part of it – Interview with Michael Gadbaw

Stefan Tetzlaff, social and economic historian and former research fellow at the German Historical Institute Washington, had the chance to interview Michael Gadbaw, former vice-president and Senior Counsel of General Electric (1990-2008) about his involvement with India.

Grasping the Global: Lessons from the 1970s

By Bence Kocsev A couple of years ago, during one of his eye-opener lectures, Irish-American thinker James M. Skelly coined the term “recovering sociologist”. With this term, he tried to...