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Verschlagwortet: slavic studies

“Developing Ukrainian Studies” – Reflections and Impressions

In this report, Elen Budinova shares some reflections and impressions regarding the conference “Developing Ukrainian Studies: Ukraine in Research and Teaching in the Subjects Slavic Literary and Cultural Studies, Slavic Linguistics in Dialogue with East European History”, which took place in the Dornburg Old Palace from October 12 to 13, 2023. The conference was organized by the research network project “European Times” (EUTIM), the Aleksander Brückner Center for Polish Studies, and the Network for Ukrainian Studies.

“Endliness Is an Irritating, but Genuinely Modern and Ubiquitous Time Regime” – 5in10 with Erik Martin

Erik Martin is a scholar of Slavic studies and works on conflicting time regimes in Russian literature, ecocriticism, and Eastern European Realisms. He is currently working as a postdoc researcher in the project “Europäische Zeiten / European Times – A Transregional Approach to the Societies of Central and Eastern Europe” (EUTIM) at the European University Viadrina.

Literary (Re)Visions of Time in Eastern and Central Europe – Papers II

This blogpost is the second part of a summary of the contributions to the EUTIM conference “Time Out of Joint: Literary (Re)Visions of Time in Eastern and Central Europe”. At the centre of the event were were narratives of time and conceptualizations of history in Central and Eastern European poetry, novels, film, and drama.