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Verschlagwortet: research methods

“War pushes the trivial out of memory” – 5in10 with Mykola Homanyuk

Mykola Homanyuk’s research is dedicated to ethnic minorities, the transformation of war memorials, modern toponymic practices, and problems of social representation in contemporary documentary theater. Currently, he works with the Roma and Meskhetian Turks to find out how the Russian war in Ukraine and forced migration affected their sense of belonging and identity.

Semantic Geo-Annotation for Ancient History and Beyond

By Elton Barker. Sometime in the second century CE, Pausanias of Magnesia wrote the Periegesis Hellados (Description of Greece). Representing a unique deep dive into ancient Greece’s built environment to the level of individual statues and paintings, this text projects a tour of the Greek mainland in ten books, from Attica (I) to Phocis (X), in a clockwise circuit around the Peloponnese.

Contextualizing and Conceptualizing Debates about Academic Freedom in Europe

By Anna L. Ahlers. After participating in the re:constitution seminar in Ljubljana, Slovenia in November 2021 and, also crucially, while working with colleagues in China, I cannot help but feel extremely lucky and privileged to be able to work under the academic circumstances that I do. They appear to be  so much easier to deal with than the ones I learned about in my interactions with academics from China, Hungary, Slovenia, Turkey, and other countries.

Towards a Truly Global Digital Humanities

By Diana Roig-Sanz. The idea that the digital humanities enjoy a global scope remains utopian. Most of the departments and research institutions that house postgraduate studies, summer schools, international conferences, and scientific journals on the matter remain anchored in the Global North, especially in certain countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada.

Retracing Professional Mobility: Historical Network Analysis through CERD

By Thorben Pelzer. The idea of the Chinese Engineers Relational Database (CERD) is to provide a pool of digitized and cross-referenced data that researchers can then analyze to answer their own specific research questions. These questions concern the ways in which engineers operated under, but also shaped, formats and visions of space.

German Medieval Studies and the Arab World: Overcoming Disciplinary and Epistemic Boundaries within the Humanities

By Jenny Rahel Oesterle (History, University of Regensburg, Germany). I am a medievalist, specialized in the history of Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. I have worked and received training at several universities throughout my career and am currently teaching at the University of Regensburg.

الدراسات القروسطية الألمانية والعالم العربي: التغلّب على الحدود التخصّصية والمعرفية داخل الإنسانيات

جيني راحيل أوستيرله (التاريخ، جامعة ريغنسبورغ، ألمانيا). أنا من باحثي القرون الوسطى، متخصّصة في تاريخ أوروبّا ومنطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسّط والشرق الأوسط، تدرّبت خلال مسيرتي المهنية في عديد من الجامعات وعملت فيها، وأدرّس الآن في جامعة ريغنسبورغ.

Challenges in Literary Studies and Gender Studies or Why I Began to Talk Publicly about Relevance

Andrea Geier (Modern German Literature/Gender Studies, University of Trier, Germany). As a literary scholar specializing in gender studies, intercultural studies, and postcolonial studies at a German university, I experience positive challenges in my everyday research and teaching.

تحديات في الدراسات الأدبية ودراسات الجندر أو لماذا رحتُ أتحدّثُ على الملأ عن الصِّلة

أندريا غاير )الأدب الألماني الحديث/ دراسات الجندر، جامعة ترير، ألمانيا). بصفتي باحثة أدبية متخصصة في دراسات الجندر ودراسات التفاعل بين الثقافات ودراسات ما بعد الاستعمار في جامعة ألمانية، فإنني أواجه تحديات إيجابية في بحثي وتدريسي اليوميين.