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Verschlagwortet: power structures

Narratives of Health and Illness: Care and Power Within, Against, and Beyond Medicine

By Burcu Alkan, Ezgi Sarıtaş, Şima İmşir. The encounters of health and illness begin with narrative. The series “Narratives of Health and Illness: Care and Power Within, Against, and Beyond Medicine” explores diverse perspectives on health and illness by fostering interdisciplinary discussions around the concept of narrative through a critical engagement with the fields of medical and health humanities.

Ever-Present Tobacco Dust: Women’s Labor Conditions at the Cibali Tobacco Factory

By Zehra Betül Atasoy. In early Republican Turkey, women workers – predominantly in tobacco, weaving, and the food industry – were gathered mainly in the city of Istanbul. Although the number of female workers in industrial production gradually increased, gender-based wage differences continued, with women earning less, and these workers were subjected to long hours and inadequate health and safety conditions.

Contextualizing and Conceptualizing Debates about Academic Freedom in Europe

By Anna L. Ahlers. After participating in the re:constitution seminar in Ljubljana, Slovenia in November 2021 and, also crucially, while working with colleagues in China, I cannot help but feel extremely lucky and privileged to be able to work under the academic circumstances that I do. They appear to be  so much easier to deal with than the ones I learned about in my interactions with academics from China, Hungary, Slovenia, Turkey, and other countries.

« S’alarmer face aux mécanismes de la vérité » : une conversation avec Montassir Sakhi

Montassir Sakhi, né en 1988 à Rabat, est membre fondateur du Mouvement 20 février. Il s’est engagé depuis longtemps dans les dynamiques militantes et la vie politique du Maroc. En Europe, sa recherche porte sur les mouvements sociaux, l’émergence des idéologies, l’Islam politique en particulier, ou encore sur la problématique de la radicalisation.

Unicorns in the Real World: Triple Discrimination within a Neoliberal Education System

By Jennifer Wilkinson. The current neoliberal system has become a parasitic affront to the core aims of education. Woven into the fabric of education, Neoliberalism has risen to a state of liberal legality. With arbitrary and discriminatory standards of success, this legality obscures the fundamental right to learn.

Doing Research “Out of Vengeance” – An Interview with Aymen Amayed

Aymen Amayed is an independent Tunisian researcher based in Tunis. He is currently contributing to a research project about margins and marginality at the Department of Conflict and Development Studies at Ghent University. The interview was conducted during André Weißenfels’ MECAM fellowship on a research tour through different oases in Southern Tunisia.

Racism in German Public Institutions – Interview with Matthias Middell

The Research Institute for Social Cohesion is investigating racism in German public institutions on behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Interior in a project titled “Rassismus als Gefährdung des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts im Kontext ausgewählter gesellschaftlich-institutioneller Bereiche”. We discussed the goals of this research with Matthias Middell (University of Leipzig), spokesperson of the FGZ and co-principal investigator of this study.

Dealing with Sexual Harassment and Violence in the Neoliberal University

By Tanja Wälty. The issue of sexual harassment and violence (SHV) has received more attention in recent years thanks to feminist interventions such as #Aufschrei, #MeToo, and #NiUnaMenos. At the same time, neoliberal governmentality has led to an “economization of the social” (Ludwig 2010), in which the market becomes the structuring principle for social relations.

Of Death and Dominion – Interview with Mohammed Bamyeh

Mohammed Bamyeh’s 2007 book, Of Death and Dominion, was translated into German in 2020 and released by Turia + Kant. We spoke with the author about his research process, how death played out within historical power structures, and the role of mortality in contemporary society.