Verschlagwortet: museological practice
Dinosaurier in Berlin – Afrika-, museums-, wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Perspektiven auf den Berliner Brachiosaurus brancai, 1906–2015 Tagungsbericht von Sebastian Willert Museum für Naturkunde Berlin – 10./11. März 2016 Das vom Ministerium...
By Philip Geisler and Lucy Jarman Configurations of Micro, Macro, Meso: Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices Workshop in Florence, 6th – 8th June 2014 The concluding workshop for the...
Short presentation by Viola König (Director of the Ethnological Museum Berlin and Professor at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) at the conference “Areas and Disciplines: Lessons from Internationalization Initiatives in the...
Statement about the conference “Areas and Disciplines” by Monica Juneja My presentation will address the following issues relevant to teaching and research in art history and their implications for museological...