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Verschlagwortet: memory studies

War, Migration, Memory: Perspectives on Russia’s War Against Ukraine – An Introduction

How does war reshape collective memory, migration, and identity? Read a preview of Viktoriya Sereda and Andrii Portnov’s introduction to the recently published anthology “War, Migration, Memory: Perspectives on Russia’s War Against Ukraine” exploring the ongoing impact of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. It delves into questions of belonging, historical memory, and societal transformation through essays written by Ukrainian scholars amid war and displacement.

War, Migration and Memory: An Introduction

By Viktoriya Sereda. The unprecedented Russian full-scale attack on Ukraine brought the recent conflicts over memory in East Central Europe and in Ukraine to the attention of an international audience. Mass displacement also exposed millions of Ukrainians to new challenges that triggered intensive reinterpretations of the past – both the distant and the very recent – and a reevaluation of their memory through new experiences.

“A New Form of Evil Emerges Now” – A Conversation with Olha Honchar

In mid-March of this year, I interviewed Olha Honchar, the head of Territory of Terror Museum in Lviv and the initiator of the Museum Crisis Center. We discussed the Territory of Terror in the context of Ukrainian political events, heritage protection during the war, and how Russian aggression compares to historical events.

The Political Redefinition of Memory: The Problem of Studying History in Contemporary Iraq

By Haidar Lashkry (History, Koya University, Iraq). To contextualize, I am an Iraqi Kurdish historian who teaches medieval history at Koya University. Koya is a young university and has had a history department since its foundation in 2003; the department teaches general history with a focus on the Middle East in all periods but especially the medieval.

إعادة تعريف الذاكرة سياسيًا: مشكلة دراسة التاريخ في العراق المعاصر

حيدر لشكري (تاریخ، جامعة كويه، العراق). بداية القول، أنا مؤرخ كُردي عراقي، أقوم بتدريس تاريخ العصور الوسطى في جامعة كويه، وهي جامعة فتیة تأسست في سنة ٢٠٠٣. منذ تأسیسها، أُنشئ فیها قسم التاریخ، حيث یُدرّس التاریخ العام، مع الترکیز علی تاریخ الشرق الأوسط بمختلف مراحله، خاصة التاریخ الوسیط.

On Dersim and the Banality of Evil: The Diary of Yusuf Kenan Akım

By Zeynep Türkyilmaz. Entering my usual keywords randomly to see what is out there in my areas of interest, I came across a diary of a Turkish soldier kept during the year 1938. Ego-documents are a rare source in Ottoman-Turkish studies, but the content of this particular diary made it unique and almost unreal beyond my wildest expectations.

Fighting Under the Same Banner: Memories from the Ottoman Theater of the Great War

Personal narratives have recently begun to attract great interest among military and social historians of the Middle East in their work on the wars from 1912 until 1918. We talked with one of the conveners, Richard Wittmann, about the upcoming conference “Fighting Under the Same Banner: Memories from the Ottoman Theater of the Great War”.

‘Rethinking Ukrainian Studies’: Serhy Yekelchyk’s keynote lecture ‘Writing the history of revolution in the time of war’

A report by Sophie Schmäing, Universität Gießen Struggles over the interpretation of historical events have always been a salient issue in independent Ukraine. Since the Maidan protests in 2013–14, the...