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Verschlagwortet: literature

Moving Through Space, Sheltering Across Time: Alternate Realities in Contemporary Arabic Fiction of (Forced) Displacement

Annamaria Bianco’s contribution aims to show how Arab migration writings and future writings have increasingly ended up overlapping, in the wake of the “speculative turn” taken by contemporary fiction. Through a review of a few novels published after the so-called “refugee crisis” in 2015 and drawing on different studies as well as on the notion of “refugeedom”, the author will show how this literary genre juxtaposes the documentary function of prose with narrative strategies of estrangement and defamiliarization that aim to generate in the reader a desire to act on the present, to redeem the past and change the future of hospitality worldwide.

Small Literatures and Neighborhood

By Judith Sieber.
On February 16 and 17, 2023, the workshop “Small Literatures and Neighborhood” took place at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) as part of the project “Europäische Zeiten/European Times” (EUTIM). A review.

The “Chronicler of a Generation” – Serhij Zhadan at Kulturbahnhof Kamea (Frankfurt / Oder)

Serhij Zhadan is a Ukrainian poet, prose writer, translator, social activist and Ska-Punk singer. His works have been translated into thirteen languages, making him one of the most famous contemporary Ukrainian writers. On December 5th, 2022, Zhadan was a guest in Frankfurt/Oder. A review by Ekaterina Grineva.

Against Remembering: The Fictional Truth of a Massacre

By Samad Alavi. Carolyn Forché’s Against Forgetting: Twentieth Century Poetry of Witness anthologizes poems that testify to some of the last century’s darkest political tragedies. In her introduction, Forché establishes her basic criteria for selection. First, she includes only poems, as she wishes to demonstrate that the old “arguments about poetry and politics ha[ve] been too narrowly defined” and that it is possible to understand poems as residing between the personal and the political.

Ukrainian Comics and War in Ukraine

By Svitlana Pidoprygora. In the autumn of 2013, Euromaidan started in Ukraine as a response to the authorities’ decision to end European integration processes and focus on the Customs Union with the Russian Federation. Thousands of people went to protests in Kyiv and the central squares of other Ukrainian cities, demonstrating society’s support for the European vector of development and protesting against the arbitrariness of the authorities.

Time Out of Joint – An Interview with Bohdan Tokarskyi and Alexander Wöll

From the 15th to the 17th of September 2022, the second EUTIM Annual Conference, “Time Out of Joint: Literary (Re)Visions of Time in Eastern and Central Europe”, will take place at Potsdam University as a hybrid event. We spoke to the conveners, Bohdan Tokarskyi and Alexander Wöll, to learn more about the conference and how it connects to current political and cultural developments.

طاقةُ الدراساتِ الأدبيةِ العربية:(إعادة) تموضع حقل الدراساتِ الأدبيةِ العربية بين الفروع ’المنهجية‘ ودراسات المناطق في الأكاديميا الغربية

ربارة وينكلر (الدراسات العربية، جامعة مونستر، ألمانيا). إذا ما كان يُنظر إلى الإنسانيات عمومًا على أنّها أقلّ تهيّؤًا من العلوم الاجتماعية والطبيعية وعلوم الحياة لمواجهة تحدّيات راهنة أو إنتاج ’معرفة قابلة للاستخدام‘، فإنّ هذا يصحّ أكثر على الفروع التي تُعنى بالأعمال التخييلية والجماليات. ويميل الطلّاب في حقلنا – حقل الدراسات العربية أو الإسلامية أو الشرق أوسطية – إلى اختيار مواضيع متعلّقة بالإسلام السياسي أو الحركات الاجتماعية أو الشريعة الإسلامية، إذ يبدو أنّ هذه المواضيع توفّر فرصًا أفضل للعمل قياسًا بسواها. وكذلك يركّز الخطاب العامّ الأوسع على هذه الضروب من المواضيع بصورة أساسية.

The Potential of Arabic Literary Studies: (Re)Situating the Field Between ‘Systematic’ Disciplines and Area Studies in Western Academia

By Barbara Winckler (Arabic Studies, University of Münster, Germany). If the humanities in general are commonly perceived as less apt to address actual challenges or produce ‘utilizable knowledge’ than the social, natural and life sciences, this is even more so for disciplines dealing with fictional works and aesthetics.

Trauma and the 1980s in Arabic Literary Studies

What is a literary history of the present? There are many ways to imagine such a project and its debt to Foucauldian genealogy, from accounts of how literature writes history to how the notion of literature is a historical aspect of the present. This essay, part of the upcoming workshop, “The Literary 1980s in the MENA: Towards a History of the Present”, asks what trauma has come to name in Arabic literary studies since the 1980s.