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Verschlagwortet: internationalisation

We Didn’t Start the Fire: Military Interventions from Kosovo to Kiev

By Katarina Ristić. Only a few days before the attack on Ukraine, Russian president Vladimir Putin responded to those scandalized by the prospect of a war in Europe, reminding Europeans that such a war had already taken place. In 1999, he said, it was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – not Russia – that had started a “large-scale military operation that included air strikes against a European capital, Belgrade”.

Isabel Feichtner: Chancen und Herausforderungen der Pluralisierung des Rechts

Interview im Kontext der Arbeitstagung “Reimers Konferenzen Revisited” (7./8. Juni 2015 am Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften in Bad Homburg) Isabel Feichtner (Goethe Universität Frankfurt) berichtet im Gespäch über transnationales Recht als Gegenstand...