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Verschlagwortet: economics

Seven Men and One Table: The 20th Century through a Photograph

By Elizabeth Bishop. A photograph near the bottom of the wall caught my attention at the Habib Achour exhibit in the Kerkennah branch of the Union Générale des Travailleurs Tunisiens (UGTT, General Union of Tunisian Workers). A caption provides the information that the black-and-white photograph was taken on 26 January 1978.

What Local Gold Extraction Tells Us about a Globalized Mining Economy

By Diana Ayeh. When I first came to Houndé in 2016, the town of 150,000 inhabitants in southwestern Burkina Faso already had a certain gold-rush atmosphere. Not only was the landscape in and around Houndé marked with indications for future extraction, the construction of the first industrial gold mine in the urban municipality was also accompanied by the arrival of new actors and ideas that made extraction feasible.

The Promise of Education

By André Weißenfels. Upward social mobility through education is a promise that has captured the minds of generations all across the globe. It has motivated and continues to motivate people to plan their lives around formal education and to strive for degrees in the hope these might offer a desirable future. But what if the promise turns out to be false?

هوس ’التجديد‘ والإنسانيات

ماركو ديمانتوفسكي (التاريخ، جامعة فيينا، النمسا) تقرؤونها في كلّ مكان. يتحدّث عنها الجميع، كقيمة في حدّ ذاتها على الدوام. تطاردنا جميعًا، لا سيّما في الجامعات، ولا سيّما في الإنسانيات، مُطالِبَةً بالمطلب كلّي الحضور أن نكون مجدِّدين. فالمشاريع التي لا تقتضي التجديد لن تحلّ عليها نعمة التمويل في نظام أكاديمي منتفخ ونحيل في آنٍ معًا.

Re-shaping the “Socialist Factory” in Egypt in the Late 1960s–1970s

By Malak Labib. In January 2021, the Egyptian government decided on the liquidation of the Egyptian Iron and Steel Company, one of the country’s oldest public-sector enterprises. While officials pointed to the company’s accumulated losses and its deteriorating production capacity, the decision was met with wide opposition.

The Humanities’ Constant Need for Self-Justification

By Bashshar Haydar (Philosophy, American University of Beirut, Lebanon). It is not uncommon for people working in the humanities to feel the need to demonstrate the significance or, even, the relevance of their disciplines. There is not a matching pressure in the fields of natural sciences, whether applied or theoretical.

حاجة الإنسانيات المتواصلة إلى تبرير ذاتها

بشار حيدر (فلسفة، الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت، لبنان). ليس من غير المألوف أن يشعر العاملون في الإنسانيات بالحاجة إلى تبيان أنَّ لفروعهم أهميتها، أو حتى أنّها ذات صلة. ما من ضغط مماثل في مجالات العلوم الطبيعية سواء التطبيقية أو النظرية. ونادرًا ما يُشَكَّك في حكمة استثمار رأس المال البشري والمادي في التخصصات الأخيرة.