Verschlagwortet: Digital Humanities
It is in the eighteenth century that Russian political language was born. The digital project “The Corpus of Russian Translations of Social and Political Works of the Eighteenth Century” coordinated...
By Jennifer Evans and Swen Steinberg | “We are all in this together” is not simply the solidarity slogan of our new reality in times of Covid-19. In May 2020, it became a starting point for a group of scholars teaching at North American universities
Nevin Şahin is a research associate at the Orient-Institut Istanbul. She completed her PhD in Sociology in 2016 upon her research on music and power among performers of Mevlevi music,...
Work on the relaunch of the German History in Documents and Images website begins in April 2018. We talked with project manager Kelly McCullough about the history of this project,...
von Laura Hofmann / Forum Transregionale Studien English Abstract: Social media, blogs and open access strategies revolutionize the dissemination of academic work on the internet. A scholar in India...