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Autor: eutim

“Endliness Is an Irritating, but Genuinely Modern and Ubiquitous Time Regime” – 5in10 with Erik Martin

Erik Martin is a scholar of Slavic studies and works on conflicting time regimes in Russian literature, ecocriticism, and Eastern European Realisms. He is currently working as a postdoc researcher in the project “Europäische Zeiten / European Times – A Transregional Approach to the Societies of Central and Eastern Europe” (EUTIM) at the European University Viadrina.

Literary (Re)Visions of Time in Eastern and Central Europe – Papers II

This blogpost is the second part of a summary of the contributions to the EUTIM conference “Time Out of Joint: Literary (Re)Visions of Time in Eastern and Central Europe”. At the centre of the event were were narratives of time and conceptualizations of history in Central and Eastern European poetry, novels, film, and drama.

Literary (Re)Visions of Time in Eastern and Central Europe – Papers I

At the centre of the EUTIM conference “Time Out of Joint: Literary (Re)Visions of Time in Eastern and Central Europe”, were narratives of time and conceptualizations of history in Central and Eastern European poetry, novels, film, and drama. The event featured some of the leading scholars of Belarusian, Crimean Tatar, Czech, Polish and Ukrainian literatures. This contribution is the first part of a dossier with the paper abstracts.

Time Out of Joint – An Interview with Bohdan Tokarskyi and Alexander Wöll

From the 15th to the 17th of September 2022, the second EUTIM Annual Conference, “Time Out of Joint: Literary (Re)Visions of Time in Eastern and Central Europe”, will take place at Potsdam University as a hybrid event. We spoke to the conveners, Bohdan Tokarskyi and Alexander Wöll, to learn more about the conference and how it connects to current political and cultural developments.

Im Osten nichts Neues: Was der Westen übersah – oder ignorierte

Von Andrii Portnov. Die russische Invasion in die Ukraine im Februar 2022 kam für viele in Westeuropa überraschend. Vielleicht noch überraschender war der entschlossene Widerstand der Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer. Doch warum? Putins Weltsicht und die ukrainische Realität wurden offenbar lange ignoriert.

Welche Bedeutung hat Putins Rede? Ein Gespräch mit Andrii Portnov

“Die Vergangenheit ändert sich ständig”, lautet ein sowjetisches Sprichwort. Vielleicht hat sich das auch der russische Präsident gedacht. Am 21. Februar hat er die Separatistengebiete in der Ostukraine anerkannt und eine Rede gehalten, in der er diesen Schritt vor allem historisch begründet. Manche sagen schon jetzt, diese Rede werde die Historiker noch beschäftigen.