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re:work welcomes Steven Castles and celebrates its 6th anniversary

The sociologist and political economist Steven Castles  (University of Sydney) is invited to give a lecture about “Social Transformation and the Differentiation of Labour” at the IGK Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History (re:work), Humboldt Universität zu Berlin on June 1st.

Venue: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, IGK Arbeit und Lebenslauf in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive, Georgenstraße 23 (6th floor), 10117 Berlin

More information about the event and the reservation, please find here.

Steven Castles will examine practices of labour differentiation at various stages of capitalist development, and link these with theories of social transformation from early industrialisation to contemporary neo-liberal globalisation. Current mechanisms of differentiation such as the development of global value chains are examined.

Three days later, re:work will celebrate its 6th anniversary with a conference in Berlin.
Re:work invited current and former fellows to make short presentations in their respective areas of research. This would be followed by commentaries by invited commentators to synthesize these contributions and further stimulate the discussion in the plenary. This event at the end of the first funding phase aims to highlight the most important and recurrent themes of the discussions at our centre.

The following topics will be discussed in six panel sessions:

  • What is Work / Labour?
  • Work and Life Phases
  • Free and Unfree Labour
  • Labour on the Move
  • Who Cares? Work, Care, Household, and Familiy
  • Labour and Capitalism
Date: June 4-6, 2015
Humboldt University Berlin, IGK Arbeit und Lebenslauf in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive
Venue: Jakob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-ZentrumGeschwister-Scholl-Str. 1/3, 10117 Berlin
More information about the event and the reservation, please find here.

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Forum Transregionale Studien (29. Mai 2015). re:work welcomes Steven Castles and celebrates its 6th anniversary. TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research. Abgerufen am 15. September 2024 von

Forum Transregionale Studien

The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien promotes the internationalization of research in the humanities and social sciences. It provides scope for collaboration among researchers with different regional and disciplinary perspectives and appoints researchers from all over the world as Fellows. More...

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