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Inequality, Education and Social Power – Conference discussions and lectures

Is education really the key to adjust social inequality? In what way do gender and social background define access to education? What consequences does institutionalized inequality in the education system have on actors’ social and political participation?

La educación (Photo: Alejandro Garcia Montoro under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

La educación (Photo: Alejandro Garcia Montoro under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).

In November 2014, the conference “Inequality, Education and Social Power” took place in Berlin and was convened by the Forum Transregionale Studien and the Max Weber Foundation Transnational Research Group “Poverty and Education in Modern India” (German Historical Institute London), the Georg August University Göttingen, and the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB).


Photo: Max Weber Stiftung under CC BY 4.0.

Scholars from India, France, Argentina, Mexico, and South Africa, among others, brought together research on inequality, education, and social power from various disciplinary perspectives as well as from various countries of different world regions.

On the conference’s blog (IES-Blog) you can listen to all conference discussions and lectures. You will also find interviews and bibliographical references on the blog. A list of each panel and a link to the video footage, you will also find here.

Photo: Max Weber Stiftung under CC BY 4.0

Photo: Max Weber Stiftung under CC BY 4.0.

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Forum Transregionale Studien (4. März 2015). Inequality, Education and Social Power – Conference discussions and lectures. TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research. Abgerufen am 15. September 2024 von

Forum Transregionale Studien

The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien promotes the internationalization of research in the humanities and social sciences. It provides scope for collaboration among researchers with different regional and disciplinary perspectives and appoints researchers from all over the world as Fellows. More...

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